Teaching classes
Zulfidin Khodzhaev: "Dear students, here you can find additional materials to further expand your understanding on the topic and play with some simulations to strengthen your knowledge. "
Spring 2022: Per your request, here are the notes:

Spring 2021
Spring 2021
PHYS 2114 University Physics II (Discussion Hours)
PHYS 2114 Lab. University Physics II
Lab 1:
"Electron circles the nucleus with 7 quadrillion revolutions per second or equivalently 7 thousand trillion revolutions per second."
Lab 2:
Lab 3:
Lab 7:
Week 7 Section Problems:
Spring 2020
Spring 2020
PHYS 1214 College Physics II (Discussion Hours)
PHYS 1214 Lab. College Physics II
Fall 2016
Fall 2016
FIZ 101EL Physics I Laboratory